Transform Your Walls with Quartzite Wall Cladding
Retiling your home walls may sound monotonous and boring, but there is always a better option. Wall cladding emerges as a protective wall covering material amid other equivalents. It also provides an extra layer of protection against weather casualties. Cladding increases the value of wall structure once applied, be it exterior or interior. Available in many contemporary and traditional materials such as wooden, composite, and plastic; it can uplift your wall aesthetics.
Amongst the natural stone construction materials, when it comes to the most effective wall cladding material, Quartzite tiles stand out from the rest. Unlike the ordinary ceramic tiles and stripes, they provide incredible benefits too.
This article covers everything you need to know about quartzite wall cladding. Also, read what benefits quartzite wall cladding offers when considering a home renovation.
Exceptional Features of Quartzite Wall Cladding
Quartzite Stones, tiles, and stripes for wall cladding come with exceptional features due to their composition and natural origin. This natural stone cladding protects against temperature vagaries, climatic changes, and pollution. It also provides thermal insulation to the exterior facades and interior wall decor. That is why quartzite emerges out as the perfect natural stone material giving an edge to the other materials.
Some incredible features of quartzite are:
• Temperature resistant
• Cheaper than natural stones such as marble and granite
• Rated 7 on the Mohs scale
• Tough and Hard
• Natural patterns with classic light and dark tones
• Durable
• Abrasion-resistant
Benefits of Quartzite Wall Cladding
Are you thinking of transforming your walls with a natural look to your interior and exterior aesthetics? Quartzite Wall Cladding is your only solution considering all the aspects from aesthetics to maintenance.
1. Gives a natural look
Installing a quartzite wall cladding in your house offers a fresh, natural look to your rooms. You can achieve it with a variety of style options that meet your preference and home decor. Available in a variety of patterns and shades from grey to sandstone, you can pick over any. You can also deck up your exterior walls with this natural-looking stone.
2. Provides Insulation to Every Room
Apart from enhancing the aesthetics, it also provides insulation to the rooms. Homeowners can leverage the effective insulation this wall cladding provides. It prevents heat loss from the walls of your rooms. Through this, you can reduce dependencies on your electrical appliances. Thus, it is a win-win for homeowners as it saves their utility bills adding to the overall look of the home.
3. Provides Protection against All Weather Conditions
Quartzite Wall Cladding provides optimum insulation to your house. This natural stone contains materials such as calcium and silicate that offer insulation and protection against extreme weather and temperature conditions. Due to this, you can achieve extra protection and thermal insulation against frost damages, heavy rain conditions, and extreme heat.
4. Enhanced the Resale Value
One of the best advantages of stone cladding is that once installed; they can increase property value. For homeowners who desire to sell their property at the best possible price in the future, quartzite wall cladding is a perfect choice. They add durability, versatility, and protection to your walls. This overall increases the appearance and also the property value.
5. Easy Maintenance
Another reason why quartzite wall cladding is beneficial is the maintenance point of view. With the weather-resistant properties, durability, and strength, maintenance of this type of wall cladding is easy. If you want to restore the shine, you can use a normal detergent solution. In the case of dirt, dust, and stains, a splash of water is enough to remove them. When it comes to snow or rainwater on the interior or exterior walls, you can use strong wipers to remove them.
Final Words
The advantages of installing a quartzite wall cladding are infinite. From transforming the overall look of your room to decking up your interiors and exteriors, wall cladding is the best you can do this summer.

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