Rustic Look of Limestone Flooring with Urban Touch

 Grey Limestone Tumbled

When it comes to flooring, we will say that there are many options to choose from. Why Choose Limestone? Limestone is timeless with its sturdy and stunning appearance. It will add that charm to your old-fashioned living space, including an old tree that everyone can envy, a lounge and study room decorated with country-style furniture!

Limestone is a porous sedimentary rock composed of countless layers of calcium carbonate from the accumulation of organic matter in shallow waters, which later turn into stone under pressure of millions of years. Very coarse rock, commonly used for limestone floors and limestone floor tiles.

Due to the durability of the limestone cladding, it can be used both outdoors and indoors. Limestone floors have a natural and impressive appearance. With fascinating visible mineral content and a variety of designs and colors, they look just as impressive in a traditional or modern environment.

Limestone floors are usually available in colors such as gold, cream, gray, brown, black, white or yellow in natural shades. Limestone acquires color as a result of iron oxide, clay and many other minerals. Processed limestone is honored, polished and brushed for flooring purposes.

Underfoot, the limestone floor feels solid, safe and secure footing. It feels cool to the touch with a feeling of softness that is an obstacle to sturdy durability. Also, due to the beauty and durability of limestone floor tiles, you can be satisfied for a long time in providing a good return on your investment.

Limestone is also a suitable option for the kitchen floor for those who crave a modern look. Limestone has a low coefficient of porosity and does not retain moisture, so it is durable. It is also resistant to oil and prepares a lot of food in the kitchen, so the surface is easy to get dirty with a variety of cooking methods. The risk of these potential stains can be avoided by sealing or impregnating the limestone surface.

Beige limestone comes in many forms such as split face, bricks and cobblestones or slabs. In addition, you can choose from different types of limestone finishes such as:

Grey Limestone Tumbled: This ages the edges and surfaces of the stone when placed on a tumbling machine. It creates an authentic antique look in which the stones are subtly aged through a tumbling motion along with the gravel.

Chisel Limestone
: The edges of the limestone have been processed to give it an uneven, unpretentious appearance.

Dressing up or cutting by hand: Split the limestone and leave it in different thicknesses.

Pillow Edge: The limestone edge is smooth, albeit almost pronounced, "cushioned" edge.


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