Increase the Style Quotient of your Home with Wall Cladding Stone
Natural stone ideas abound if you are thinking of creating a new residence or renovating your study. You can also use Limestone Wall Cladding Stones, which are lovely, imaginative and a designer's favorite, to inspire the old charm of natural stone.
What is Stone Wall Cladding?
Numerous designers and interior decorators are looking for the best way to enhance the look of your home with the rough beauty of natural stone. And the best way to inject the refined and elegant texture of natural stone is to invest in Wall Cladding Stone.
- Actually chopped stone is done with tiles that give the impression of an organic stone wall;
- Sliced in various of shapes, sizes and textures to compliment the interior and exterior walls;
- Available in multi-colored panels, designer mosaics, versatile veneers and endless designs of arty murals that can be applied to any substrate to give a clean finish but with a rustic touch.
Stone wall cladding is also much desirable by homeowners looking for a pocket-friendly option to improve their space, as there is no need to remodel the walls, as Stone Wall Cladding can be applied directly to an existing wall.
Why should I choose a stone cladding?
The stone cladding has every reason to push itself after submission of the building material. Here are some benefits considering the magnitude of its unreliability:
- Life: As far as one can imagine! Once installed, it is highly durable, which will last your life for a lifetime, really staring at your walls in time.
- Looks: Beautifully beautiful! The natural stone features never cease to adapt a space to the individual style of architecture including interior, exterior, panel, façade, and feature walls for contemporary and rustic style spaces.
- Installation: Super Easy! As we said earlier, it is a shredded stone, which is lighter in weight and requires less time and labor to install. And, the best part, the cladding stone can widen the walls in a random fashion that is best for a more relaxed vibe.
- Maintenance: Minimum! The strength and authenticity of natural stone is one of the most favorable options to house a stone. It is weather proof and water proof, so forget what is called '‘upkeep’'.
What are the types of Wall Cladding Stones?
Wall cladding makes full use of natural stone ideas to maintain a distinctive look. From smooth, sleek, and tiled masks to textured and ragged looks, you can find a style. The major types of cladding stones that are listed below are interior and exterior home design ideas:
Wall Panels: Build light weight, decorative and weatherproof walls with stone wall panels. Highly sought after to achieve irregular surface texture, wall panels are the most suitable option for exterior walls to go with the surrounding landscape. Suitable for contemporary and colonial landscapes, these wall panels can also be decorated on interior walls. Such as:
- Bring a pleasant experience with textured tiles, rectangular strips and slightly irregular strips.
- Showstopper panels can be fashioned from slate, sandstone and respected marble.
Stone Mosaic: Give your space an undeniably adorable look with stone wall mosaic tiles. If you want to create a sunken kitchen backsplash or beagle fireplace then the stone mosaic just makes perfect sense. Chic, luxurious or rustic, whatever the style of decoration, there is one that can add accent to the walls. The best thing about stone mosaic is:
- The secret of infecting your place with bold statements on the walls with minimal vibe echo; and
- Available in square, rectangular and hexagonal shapes that can be applied to curved surfaces
Stone Veneer: The secret sauce is to install a thin stone veneer sheet to get a dramatic look of natural stone. Stone veneer is a test method to grab the look of solid stone with time tested aristocracy. Designers were recently inspired to use a sheet of stone veneer in an unusual way, for example a smart dining table or workplace counter to bring in the royal style. Stone veneer can be ordered in India:
- 3-5 ”thickness, 90 degree corner pieces and countless color options
- A pile of textures to accent furniture, flooring and other elements in a room.
Stone Wall Murals: Creating a feature wall with Stone Wall Murals, breaking the box and embossing the bold character of natural stone. The homeowners, who listen to an art lover inside, become a new admirer of the natural stone mural. Add a decorative effect to the decoration by just getting the right touch of interest
- Expresses his passion in myriad on design, color and finish to set on elaborate stone engraving and decoration done in marble, granite and slate.
- Visually interesting stone burns are creatively crafted into vibrant 3D grids of marble and sandstone that enhance the color scheme on the walls.
The stone wall cover fits radically into any style of space and can easily craft the imagined look. For more information on wall cladding feel free to contact us via our website The Stone Flooring

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